Understanding the importance of effectively indentifying risks and meeting regulatory requirements.

The ESIS OSHA Recordkeeping Solution is a comprehensive tracking and recording tool that helps you comply with OSHA regulations, as well as to complete incident reporting and transmission at the click of a button. Additionally, it enables you to efficiently implement safety processes and link your loss experiences with preventative measures, such as trend analysis and pre-scheduled reports.

  • Produce incident reports consistent with OSHA 300, 300A, and 301 forms
  • A streamlined, single, and uniform process helps drive consistency, efficiency, and sound best practices
  • Obtain a better picture of safety performance
  • Enhance self-administration functionality

Lindy Bujarski, ESIS Risk Consultant, walks you through our holistic OSHA recordkeeping tool

Watch this short video to learn how being proactive pays
ESIS OSHA Recordkeeping Resources

Empower your team to drive productivity and reduce the total cost of OSHA fines with a workflow tailored to ESIS customers, and built to deliver insights and results.