ESIS gains a comparative sense of program performance by constructing custom benchmarks that reflect our clients’ jurisdictions and industry mix. In doing so, we are able to measure client trending against peer groups, which provides a meaningful perspective on program performance.

  • Drive program initiatives
  • Effectively monitor your total cost of risk
  • Determine the overall health of your risk management program

Predictive Modeling

Predictive modeling analytics are integrated into our claim team’s workflow to proactively identify claims likely to have high severity, and to help mitigate loss costs by developing and implementing appropriate and timely intervention strategies. We offer intake, 3-month, and 12-month severity models for workers compensation claims. For liability claims, a severity model similar to the 12-month workers compensation model runs at six months to prompt appropriate action.

  • Model scores are available for viewing and reporting through our RMIS
  • ESIS’ partnership leaders work with you to develop an evaluation program for the utilization of our predictive models
  • Ultimately drive better program outcomes

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